The University of Auckland
University of Otago
University of Canterbury
Massey University
The University of Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland University of Technology
Lincoln University
UNITEC Institute of Technology
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Waikato Institute of Technology
Manukau Institute of Technology
Whitireia Community Polytechnic
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Aoraki Polytechnic
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
Southern Institute of Technology
Universal College of Learning
Eastern Institute of Technology
Otago Polytechnic
Tairawhiti Polytechnic
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Northland Polytechnic
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology-Nelson Polytechnic
- 合法认证
- "黑中介"、"野鸡大学"无处不在,教外拥有合法的留学经营执照外,也是新西兰移民局认证机构,目前国内首家推出新西兰留学进八大名校免费评估机构,合作的每一所大学均在中国教育部公布的认证名单中,切身保障学生利益。
- 专业权威
- 教外留学汇集海外归国精英智囊团,所有顾问老师上岗前除了专业培训,保障学生咨询办理服务的专业性,年均千余案例是教外留学最好的证实。
- 全程委托
- 新西兰五十余所学校授权教外留学为中方招生代表,拥有学校直申通道;誉为出国留学领先品牌;全国首家开发并实施《新西兰留学入学评估系统》,对接校方数据库提高入学准确率。
- 后勤保障
- 留学不单单体现在国内的申请,当学生初到境外,语言的障碍、陌生的环境往往给学生心理上带来极大的困扰,教外留学海外服务中心从接机、换钱、买手机卡辅导移民厅换学生证等全程保障。